Critical Component in Talent Development

In the corridors of a company or in canteen over a cup of coffee there are always murmurs about who would be the next boss or who would get the next promotion, who would be the next CEO etc. These discussions are generally perception based and to some extent a mix of perception and visible performance.

In reality, companies are continuously challenged to identify high performers within the organizations who would take the company to the next level.

The challenge for the organization is to identify the HI-PO within the organization.

Who are High Performers ?

High-Potential (HI-PO) talent is defined as an employee who isassessed as having the ability, organizational commitment, and motivationto rise to and succeed in more senior positions in the organization.

Defining and measuring high potential is extremely critical.

The Ability-Aspiration-Engagement model provides an understanding as to how to address some of these issues in identifying a high performer.

It is critical to understand the mix of the 3 components in an employee if the organization intent to retain and nurture talent within the organization. Practically every organization have some form of program to nurture the rising stars. These high achievers can have enormous impact on the business. It is therefore critical for the organization to identify the organizational needs and the high performer needs and align them to achieve maximum output.

Winning or losing in the market is dependent today on the leadership of the organization and leadership doesn't mean only handful of people at the top but rather each individual employee. It is therefore acutely necessary to build a hi performance organization and leaders.


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